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October 20, 2009

Free Seminar: Financial Considerations of a Job Change

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Indiana’s seasonally unadjusted unemployment rate stood at 10.9% for July 2009.

What does this mean to you? One of your 10 friends, family, and co-workers is faced with a pressing need to adjust their retirement and career plans.  Could that one be you? Many people are concerned they might be next.

The big questions on people’s minds:

  • What to do with the retirement plan I have left behind?
  • What adjustments need to be made to better achieve my family’s financial goals?
  • What can I do to better prepare myself in case ‘I’m next’?
  • What can I do with this next phase of my working career?
  • How can I do to get started ‘being my one boss?

Change brings opportunity as well as adversity.  Some of the most successful businesses in America were created during times like these.

This is why FranNet and Money Concepts are collaborating to host a FREE educational seminar to help you or someone you know better prepare for the changes that may lie ahead.  Our goal is to help you begin to answer the YOUR big questions.

Thursday October 29, 2009 at 6:30pm

Money Concepts Regional Training Center
7828 East 88th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46256

Keynote Speakers
James Gleason, General Manager with FranNet
Robert J. Moritz, CFS, Vice-President with the Circle Financial Planning Center of Money Concepts

Call the Money Concepts Seminar Registration line at 317-577-6740. 

There is no obligation to attend this FREE seminar so please forward to everyone you think might be interested in getting ideas on how to feel better about their financial future.

Space is limited to the first 30 people who register. All attendees will receive the brochure “10 Common IRA Mistakes”.

We look forward to seeing how we can help you.

Don’t Let the Things That Matter Least Take Priority Over Things That Matter Most

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