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March 14, 2014

Market Month: April 2014

marketicons The Fed’s Great Unwind and Your Portfolio
As the Fed begins to reduce its purchases of bonds and gets closer to raising its target interest rate, that unwinding can affect your portfolio.
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Spring Cleaning Your Debt
It’s springtime–time for you to take stock of your surroundings and get rid of the dirt and clutter that you’ve accumulated during this past year. In addition to typical spring cleaning tasks, you may want to take this time to focus on your finances as well. In particular, now may be as good a time as ever to evaluate your debt situation and try to reduce and/or eliminate any debt obligations you may have.
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tracks Saving through Your Retirement Plan at Work? Don’t Let These Five Risks Derail Your Progress
As a participant in your work-sponsored retirement savings plan, it’s important for you to stay focused — and be aware of a few key risks that could derail you in your pursuit of success.
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cs Is there a new way to calculate my home office deduction?
Beginning with the 2013 tax year, you’re able to use an optional safe harbor method of calculating your home office deduction.
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How do I figure the tax on the sale of my home?
If you owned and used a home as your principal residence for a total of two out of the five years before the sale you may be able to exclude from federal income tax up to $250,000 ($500,000 if you’re married and file a joint return) of the capital gain when you sell your home.
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