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June 16, 2014

Market Month: July 2014

mc1 A View of Health Care from Around the World
The United States health-care system has been impacted by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). But how does delivery of health care in the United States compare to that of other nations?


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mc2 Retirement Myths and Realities
We all have some preconceived notions about what retirement will be like. But how do those notions compare with the reality of retirement? Here are four common retirement myths to consider.


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mc3 How the Windsor Decision Affects Retirement Plans
The Supreme Court’s Windsor decision, which in June 2013 struck down part of a law that defines marriage as between one man and one woman, affected the administration of qualified retirement plans. Both employers and plan participants may want to review the details.


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mc4 Why are you paying more at the pump?
Have you ever stood at the pump wondering why you’re paying so much to fill up your vehicle? The answer is … complicated.


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mc5 Chart: Ten-Year History of U.S. Average Gas Prices
This chart illustrates the ups and downs of U.S. gasoline prices over the past ten years.


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